Categories: Webinars

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The Science of Fearless Decision Making

The greatest fear when faced with difficult choices is the daunting and, at times, overwhelming sense we could be wrong. This is especially the case in an age of increasing misinformation, polarization of views and exponential technological growth. We’re bombarded daily with opaque, inconsistent, contradictory and politically partisan ideologies that swamp, confuse and even anger […]

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Strategic Foresight, Planning and Modeling

In an era where exponential change and soul-crushing uncertainty is the constant, developing strategic foresight is a paramount skill for anyone who wants to ascend the corporate ladder. Without the ability to dissect and navigate the complexities of a hyper-competitive, disruptive business landscape and discern what the bigger picture holds in store, one is simply […]

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The Creative Problem Solver’s Toolbox

We are what we repeatedly do. Which is why 85% of accountants are deemed to be analytical thinkers more so than creative problem solvers. In a world filled with a myriad of complex and diverse challenges, having a versatile set of thinking tools readily available is the key to discovering breakthrough solutions. As Abraham Maslow […]

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Building Innovation Capability

In a hyper-competitive business world where innovation is deemed “a core competency” by nearly 90% of CEOs today, dissatisfaction with this aspect of their organizational performance remains a prevailing challenge and “a major source of dissatisfaction” (McKinsey). This unique short course has been offered to hundreds of executives across the country over the past two […]

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Negotiating Mastery: The Certificate Program

Arguably the one skill every business professional must master is the ability to get others to agree with him or her. In any undertaking of significance, knowing how to get adversaries to accept your point of view while seeing themselves as winners is crucial to your success and the prosperity of your organization. Nor can […]

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Understanding the Human Condition

If you are to manage people effectively, you need to understand what makes them (and you) tick. Everything we do in life is a consequence of how the brain works. It determines our success or failure, personally as well as professionally. It’s what makes us human. But our hard-working neurons aren’t always functioning to our […]

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Managing a Multi-generational Workforce

How employees approach their work is greatly influenced by when they grew up. Almost 60% of managers today experience conflicts between older and younger workers on a frequent basis. Unintentionally, they’re often the cause of it. So, more than ever, they need to understand how these generational differences affect workplace productivity, efficiency, accountability and the […]

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Correcting Employee Problem Behaviour

Organizations live or die on the quality of their managers. Their ability to modify or correct problem behaviour has always been a necessary, if not critical, skill in elevating employee performance. And the post-pandemic workplace has introduced a new dynamic that includes such unanticipated forces as quiet quitting and the great resignation. It’s especially challenging […]

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Managing a Multicultural Workforce

Three things drive our workplace behaviour – who we are, when we were born and where. This informative and fascinating webinar focuses on the latter – ethnicity (other courses by Dr. Murray deal with personality and generational differences). As a manager in a culturally-diverse workforce, you need to know how ethnic differences affect the way […]

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Hire the Best, Keep Them and Fire the Worst

The objective of every smart leader is to surround herself with a team of bright and committed people. To achieve and then scale sustainable competitive advantage, you need to hire (and keep) those with the potential to grow. That’s always been the indisputable imperative of every successful organization. Talent fuels the mission and makes the […]

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Smart Leaders 2026: Thinking and Innovation Skills

Thinking differently (and more effectively) is the key to success in everything you do. When you buy a piece of equipment with which you are unfamiliar, what do you usually get with it? An “operations manual” to tell you how best to use it. Your brainpower isn’t the issue; it’s whether you use it effectively. Smart Leaders 2022 is the definitive instructional manual for your brain, our most important but least understood organ.

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Conflict: Changing Viewpoints and Influencing Behaviours

Conflict is a daily reality for all of us. For many reasons, people are more divisive, cranky and unhappy these days. In our personal and business dealings, we invariably encounter problem behaviours and visceral disagreements. When mismanaged, this disruptive, debilitating and destructive force too often leads to escalating anxiety and takes a devastating toll on […]

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Building High Performance Teams

Companies live or die on the quality of their managers. As the stewards of culture, they are the lifeblood of organizations. But much of what they do too often makes it difficult for people to get their work done or even want to stay. Gallup, venerated for decades of credible research on team performance, tells […]

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Becoming … what you really want to be

This course is about the rest of your life. You were born to do something meaningful … is that what you’re doing now? What kind of existence do you seek? What do you want to change about your personal or professional goals? Life is not a linear progression and sometimes we get stuck on a […]

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Doing Business as Unusual: There must be a better way!

There are only two types of enterprises in the world today – those that get better and those that go out of business. This cutting-edge, counter-intuitive course will help you start important new conversations about to how to fix failing or broken business practices and survive in our ambiguous, unpredictable world. Current techniques and tools, […]

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