How employees approach their work is greatly influenced by when they grew up. Almost 60% of managers today experience conflicts between older and younger workers on a frequent basis. Unintentionally, they’re often the cause of it. So, more than ever, they need to understand how these generational differences affect workplace productivity, efficiency, accountability and the ability to embrace change. Those socialized in different economic, political and cultural realities acquired opposing beliefs, values and preferences. And these affect their behaviours in the workplace. Job #1 for every manager is knowing how to integrate them into a cohesive and engaged high-performance team.
The common labels given those currently active in the workplace are Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials and Gen Z. They admired and emulated different heroes and heroines, watched different movies, listened to different music and were influenced by the world events and emergent technologies of their times. Hence, they have a different sense of what matters. And that includes how they approach making a living. Understanding their distinctive characteristics and expectations can help you create a more synergistic work environment. While every employee is a unique, flexible human being who can’t be “pigeon holed” into stereotypical categories, revelations about the consequences of their value imprinting can be informative. Both nature and nurture influence who we are and how we act under the demands of a today’s workplace – one many regard as undergoing a seismic shift in the post-pandemic employer/employee relationship.
Great managers know how to optimize the benefits while minimizing the ingrained challenges of a multi-generational workforce. Improperly managed, these differences lead to worker apathy and disengagement, unnecessary time-consuming conflicts, debilitating stresses and inefficiencies. That sort of toxic environment is the reason why so many high performers leave. The benefits include massive learning opportunities, talent intensification and increased innovation through shared diversity. In this course, you’ll gain a better understanding of what happens when generational values and preferences collide, what motivates and what divides each age-dominant cohort, how their contrasting experiences influence their behaviours, and what you can do to enhance engagement, connection and collaboration.
Topics include:
❏ What high-performance managers need to know
❏ Primary benefits, challenges, concerns and realities
❏ Generational profiles: Similarities and differences
❏ Contrasts: Communicating with Gens X and Y
❏ Reconciling the profiles: Boomers & Millennials
❏ Preparing yourself for the next wave of workers
❏ How to work for an old-school demanding boss
❏ What to do when your boss is younger than you
❏ Getting older and younger workers on the same page
❏ What every demographic wants from their manager
❏ How older and younger differ in their work preferences
❏ What you need to do to motivate and engage them
❏ How to evaluate performance and provide feedback
❏ The fuel that drives performance for every work cohort
❏ What each generation wants differently in their manager
❏ The Manager’s Playbook: Ten strategies for success
❏ How to become a great high-performance manager
Includes a 23 page Pre-course Workbook of relevant readings and tasks.